A rental car can be useful, but it's not essential for staying in Cane Garden Bay. You'll find about seven restaurants, including popular spots like ELM’s, along with a grocery store and the beach, all within walking distance of your room. If you’re planning to relax and stay within Cane Garden Bay, you likely won’t need one. However, if you’d like to explore more of the island and venture beyond the bay, having a rental car would be very convenient.
We currently don’t offer laundry services on-site, but there is a laundromat just a 4-minute walk from ELM’s.
Yes, you can! Just let us know when you're placing an order and the expected delivery day. We'll store your cold items in the fridge or freezer and leave the rest aside for you. If you’d like to stock your room before arrival, check out Rite Way.
If you need a taxi from the airport or ferry docks, Sim, the world’s best taxi driver, is here to help! Just let us know if you need a transfer, and we’ll coordinate with Sim.
Airport to ELM Beach Suites: 1-2 guests with bags — $60; each additional guest with bags — $25.
Road Town Ferry Dock to ELM Beach Suites: 1-2 guests with bags — $30; each additional guest with bags — $12.
West End Ferry Dock to ELM Beach Suites: 1-2 guests with bags — $30; each additional guest with bags — $15.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or special requests!